Leah’s Outlook on Life
The key to small changes is consistency. Instead of aiming for drastic transformations, focus on making small adjustments that you can sustain over the long term. This builds momentum and helps you stay committed to your goals. Large goals can be intimidating and overwhelming. By breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks, you make the journey less daunting. Each small change becomes a step towards the larger objective.
The traditional image of Black Friday involved bustling crowds, long queues, and packed stores. However, a seismic shift has occurred in recent years as the virtual realm has overtaken the chaos of physical shopping. The digital evolution of Black Friday has revolutionized the way consumers approach this retail extravaganza. I made the shift many years ago and now just enjoy the leisure of in-person shopping on Black Friday solely to take in the Holiday vibes!
Waking up early in the winter, when daylight hours are shorter, can be particularly beneficial for several reasons. Maximizing daylight exposure since daylight is limited during the winter months is crucial, waking up early allows you to make the most of the available natural light. Exposure to natural light in the morning helps regulate your circadian rhythm and can improve mood and alertness.
Have you ever wished for something so fervently that it seemed as though the universe conspired to make it happen? That, my friends, is the power of manifestation—a practice that has been around for centuries, rooted in the belief that our thoughts and intentions have the potential to shape our reality. In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating concept of manifestation and how it can empower you to bring your dreams to life.
Physical and Mental Well-being Waking up early allows you to carve out time for self-care and exercise. Engaging in a morning workout routine boosts endorphins, enhances mental clarity, and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. Additionally, early risers tend to have more structured and balanced routines, leading to improved sleep patterns, reduced stress levels, and increased overall well-being.
In our fast-paced world, time seems to be slipping away as days blend into nights and vice versa. However, amid this whirlwind, there exists a magical moment, a time when the world is still asleep, and a serene tranquility envelops everything - the early morning hours. Waking up early is a habit that can transform our lives and unlock many benefits. In this second part blog post, we will discuss the importance of Harnessing your productivity!
In a world that seems to be constantly buzzing with activity, finding time for oneself can be a challenge. However, there is a group of individuals who have unlocked the secret to a productive and fulfilling day: early risers. These are the people who have made a conscious choice to embrace the early morning hours, using them to their advantage. In this 5 series blog post, we will explore the benefits of being an early riser and how you can incorporate this practice into your daily routine.
With summer fast approaching, what better time to list some ways we can give ourselves some much needed self love! We all have crazy busy schedules with demanding jobs, a million things to do with our kiddos, and very little time to find ways to eat, workout, not to mention sleep. However, making time for these important practices will change your mood, productivity, and overall joy each day! There’s a million ways you can implement self care tips, but these were the most important and effective in our opinion. We all want to be the best we can be, but that can be difficult to achieve if we don’t carve out anytime for us?
I am super excited for this new trial run with the Factor meal plan delivery subscription! If you haven’t heard of it and you want to give a keto-friendly diet a try, I strongly recommend this super simple, convenient, and affordable subscription plan. Factor makes it easier than ever to follow with fresh, chef-prepared, low-carb, high-fat meals delivered right to your door. These meals cater to the high-fat, low-carb restrictions of a keto diet. Best of all, they take just minutes to heat, eat and enjoy! Which is why I am giving it a try. As a single mom of 3, running 2 small companies, I’ve given up on the idea that I have to make dinner so many times a week. At home, each of us has different food allergies or calorie requirements which makes it impossible to cook a single meal that satisfies us all.
Happy Monday all you matcha lovers! Today we want to talk about our 6th and final benefit of matcha tea. So far, we have laid out many reasons why we love matcha. A quick recap…it’s loaded with antioxidants, calms nerves & enhances productivity, reduces heart disease, aids in weight loss, helps brain function, protects the liver, and lastly….it can even help prevent cancer!
It’s that time of year! Set menus, red dresses, flowers & chocolate…all the typical things you think of when Valentine’s Day rolls through. Regardless of your favorite picks for the season, we would like to celebrate this Valentine’s Day with one of the best matcha latte’s you’ve ever set your taste buds on and benefit number 5 of matcha! Who says a matcha shouldn’t be the center of such a special day?!
Happy New Year S.T.Y.L.E Nation!
2021 was WAY busier than we expected and we are grateful for it. But we owe you the Matcha Monday 411! What better time to pick up on the benefits of matcha than the first week of the new year? In past blogs, we’ve talked about how matcha is rich in antioxidants, supports brain function, and reduces your risk of heart disease.
Today we want to tackle one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions and the magic of matcha…weight loss!
In my very first STYLE blog I wrote about “Gratitude”, which was inspired by some of the deepest trials in life. Here I am again on the heels of another trial, the first day leaving my house after 20 days of COVID. 15 of those days being the worst sickness I’ve ever had. Let’s be clear, I unfortunately still have residual symptoms and I will still have to ease my way back into life and health, but I finally feel like a person again.
Hello Friends of the Matcha Revolution! I’m happy that you all are benefiting from these posts! I’ve had a few people reach out and tell me they read my blog and tried my “Secret Starbucks Matcha Recipe” (posted at the end of Matcha Monday Part 2) and loved it ☺ I’ve also had a few people tell me they had no idea how many health benefits it had and that they are trying to switch over from drinking coffee or pop (or soda as some call it…wink wink).
Welcome to Matcha Monday Part 2! There have been several special requests for this follow up to “I Love You So Matcha!” (y'all know who you are). Apparently, I’ve been dragging my feet and time has just zoomed by since my last Matcha post. Sorry Guys!
That is the saying on a mug I got from one of my dearest friend’s last year in my birthday basket. I am a self-proclaimed connoisseur of Matcha. I have been drinking green tea for about 30 years now. I first discovered it when I worked with a tea company called Tea & Company in San Francisco (Jill & Gary if you’re out there somewhere, this is a shout out to you!). They were later sold and are now known as The Mighty Tea Leaf ☺
Now looking back in the rear view mirror…there are so many lessons I’ve learned this past year. The greatest thing I’ve taken away from the experiences I’ve had is how “Gratitude” is one of the single most important attributes to carry with you all day, every day. It’s easy to be thankful when good and exciting things happen, but what happens inside of us when challenges, obstacles or, what we perceive as, negative events, occur? We fold, we doubt, we fear.
In today's digital age, social media plays a significant role in our lives. It's a place to connect, share, learn, and even work. However, with its benefits come responsibilities, especially for younger users. The question often arises: at what age is it appropriate for children to start using social media, and how can they do so responsibly?