5 Self Care Tips for Summer 2022


With summer fast approaching, what better time to list some ways we can give ourselves some much needed self love! We all have crazy busy schedules with demanding jobs, a million things to do with our kiddos, and very little time to find ways to eat, workout, not to mention sleep. However, making time for these important practices will change your mood, productivity, and overall joy each day! There’s a million ways you can implement self care tips, but these were the most important and effective in our opinion. We all want to be the best we can be, but that can be difficult to achieve if we don’t carve out anytime for us?


Take a Walk in the Morning

It’s vital to have some time for yourself each day even if it’s just a few minutes. According to studies, taking time to bask in the sun and get that Vitamin D is very important for our bodies. It not only balances your internal clock, but makes it easier to fall asleep at night. Summer, depending on where you live, is painfully hot during the day so wake up while the weather is nice before the day starts and stretch those legs! You can do a lap around the neighborhood or a quick jog at a safe park! Plus, who doesn’t love to burn the extra calories?


Eat A Healthy Meal Each Day

Drinking lots of water during the summer is an obvious necessity, but eating healthy is just as important! It’s okay to indulge every now and then, but make sure your feeding your body healthy foods even when you are running around all day. Summer brings out the best seasonal menus like fresh fruit salads, grilled shrimp and veggies, and refreshing flatbreads. We love our quick, easy, and affordable subscription meal plan we started recently called Factor. Check out our previous blog for more info!

Healthy Snack Tip: Need a refreshing snack on a hot summer day? Eat a slice of watermelon! As one of the lowest calorie fruits, it consists of 92% water! Watermelon also consists of some fibers and vitamins, so eat your heart out and don’t feel guilty!


Protect And Exfoliate

Summer brings out our inner kid sometimes especially spending all day by the water, doing summer activities, and showing off those legs in our newest summer dresses. Sometimes we can forget about protecting the skin we are so eager to show the world! So before leaving the house, make sure to use sunscreen, an SPF lipbalm, and one of those super cute sun hats we all see on Pinterest! At the end of the day add a nice bubble bath…exfoliate, moisturize, and treat yourself to a face mask. Your skin will thank you the next day. Besides that, we highly recommend getting an aloe vera plant, self-care hack 101. Super easy to maintain! When in need, you can cut open a leaf and use 100% natural aloe vera gel to cool, soothe, and moisture the (sunburnt) skin.


Take a Trip

And we don’t just mean for the kids. Go somewhere YOU want to go! Even if it’s just a quick weekend vacation and back, it’s so good to just get away for a few days. Everyday to do’s lists and chores can get really mundane. Before you know it, you are burnt out and bitter that you never get a break. It doesn’t have to be expensive and you can even make it a girl’s trip! Go somewhere peaceful, relaxing, and fun for you. Eat a nice meal, buy a new outfit, and maybe even get a massage. You will come home to your job and family feeling positive & rejuvenated!


Turn Off Screens One Hour Before Bed

This one may be hard to do for some of us who live, work, and play on our phones…but it’s so helpful! How many of us lay in bed for an hour after bedtime scrolling the internet, watching another episode, or planning tomorrow instead of actually sleeping? Well, turn on that DO NOT DISTURB and give this one a try and see what happens! Instead of screen time, take the last hour to set out your clothes, get ready for bed, and then read a book or do some stretches. This will unclutter the mind and power it down slowly so that when you jump in bed your mind is one step ahead of you!

We hope this helps and we really do hope you give it a try…even if you just pick one thing on this list. Little changes equal big results!

With Love…XOXO S.T.Y.L.E Nation!


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