Post Covid Outlook


In my very first STYLE blog I wrote about “Gratitude”, which was inspired by some of the deepest trials in life. Here I am again on the heels of another trial, the first day leaving my house after 20 days of COVID. 15 of those days being the worst sickness I’ve ever had.  Let’s be clear, I unfortunately still have residual symptoms and I will still have to ease my way back into life and health, but I finally feel like a person again.

So what have I been thinking about these past few weeks? Gratitude…again. Gratitude for the health I’ve enjoyed most of my life and gratitude for my children and my family. This past year, particularly the past 6 months, have been some of the busiest of my life. On top of being a single mom, I have started a new branch of my company, built a new home for my family and started college online to complete what I started 30 years ago (I was in the home stretch with 8 credits to go…that’s a story for another time ;) ).


In the first 5 days of COVID I kept thinking about what I was getting behind on. My fever continually spiked to 102/103 with no end in sight. That lasted 10 days! Then on day 10, the cough started. Over the next few days, it progressed to the kind of cough where I thought my lungs were folding inward and the shortness of breath caused me to take a trip to the ER on day 12. Then I let go of all things work and school and all I could focus on was getting better. I had people coming to help by checking on my yard during the storms and families in the neighborhood bringing food for my kids. I was quarantined to my room so I couldn’t even interact with my children, which, quite honestly, was the toughest and saddest part for me. 

But on Day 14 my beautiful friend, Susan, had heard I was still really sick and came to my house like the magic Genie on Aladdin and made me some natural teas, vitamins, tinctures, etc. All natural remedies to get my Oxygen levels back up, to boost my immunity, to give me the best chance to get better…and it started to work!! 


*Any ladies reading this…your “Tribe” is your lifeline. Find great friends, nurture those friendships, and be there when they need you! Because they will certainly be there for you when you need them!

Now I have added most of these vitamins and tinctures (yes that is an actual word for vitamins or medicines that are dissolved and come in drops) to my daily arsenal. Here are the links for some of the ones I’ve decided have been the most important in my recovery and overall health.


Thanks for reading! Until next time….. - Leah


Matcha Monday P. 4


Oga’s Cantina Review