Matcha Monday P. 2
LOL Leah Wiberg LOL Leah Wiberg

Matcha Monday P. 2

Welcome to Matcha Monday Part 2! There have been several special requests for this follow up to “I Love You So Matcha!” (y'all know who you are). Apparently, I’ve been dragging my feet and time has just zoomed by since my last Matcha post. Sorry Guys!

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New York, The Big Apple
Travel Leah Wiberg Travel Leah Wiberg

New York, The Big Apple

Well it’s only fitting that I follow up my San Francisco post with another city that stole Frank Sinatra’s heart…and mine…New York, New York. (Mind you…many of my upcoming travel posts will house information not pertaining to the past year with COVID). These posts are meant to inspire you to travel when travel is safe again

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“I Love You So Matcha!”
LOL Leah Wiberg LOL Leah Wiberg

“I Love You So Matcha!”

That is the saying on a mug I got from one of my dearest friend’s last year in my birthday basket. I am a self-proclaimed connoisseur of Matcha. I have been drinking green tea for about 30 years now. I first discovered it when I worked with a tea company called Tea & Company in San Francisco (Jill & Gary if you’re out there somewhere, this is a shout out to you!). They were later sold and are now known as The Mighty Tea Leaf ☺

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Design Leah Wiberg Design Leah Wiberg

It’s The Simple Things

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s the simple things”. What exactly does that mean? In design, I believe it’s about paying attention to the details. Since we are just in January and the economy has been hit pretty hard with the pandemic, I’d like to focus on adding and taking away some things from our living space that can make just the right changes in order to refresh.

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Design Leah Wiberg Design Leah Wiberg


Well 2020 sure was a doozy! The pandemic really gave the world a whole new set of challenges we haven’t ever had to deal with before. Changes in everyday function at work, at home and at school. We all had to shift and allow ourselves to think in different ways and to accommodate this new way of living and thinking. It truly put us all in a state of imbalance.

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San Francisco
Travel Leah Wiberg Travel Leah Wiberg

San Francisco

I know…you’re all thinking…why is she writing about travel when truly one of the hardest hit industries with this pandemic is travel. Well, what better way for you all to get acquainted with the different cities I’ve been blessed to visit in my lifetime during a time where travel is restricted. We can start our own bucket list called “Places we want to visit when this pandemic is over”.

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Kickin’ off 2021 in STYLE
Fashion Leah Wiberg Fashion Leah Wiberg

Kickin’ off 2021 in STYLE

It’s time to move forward to 2021 and what better way to do it than with Nike. My first pick of this year are the Nike Air Force 1’s. But let’s step beyond the basic whites that have been the most popular in recent years and dig deeper for the Shadow (pictured) and Sage Low Top Platforms.

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LOL Leah Wiberg LOL Leah Wiberg


Now looking back in the rear view mirror…there are so many lessons I’ve learned this past year. The greatest thing I’ve taken away from the experiences I’ve had is how “Gratitude” is one of the single most important attributes to carry with you all day, every day. It’s easy to be thankful when good and exciting things happen, but what happens inside of us when challenges, obstacles or, what we perceive as, negative events, occur? We fold, we doubt, we fear.

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