It’s The Simple Things

Design STYLE

It’s The Simple Things 

January 7, 2021

We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s the simple things”. What exactly does that mean? In design, I believe it’s about paying attention to the details. Since we are just in January and the economy has been hit pretty hard with the pandemic, I’d like to focus on adding and taking away some things from our living space that can make just the right changes in order to refresh.

Just so we don’t get too overwhelmed, let’s just start in the kitchen with this post. If you’re anything like us, we seem to have broken enough dishes and have enough utensils that have been munched by the garbage disposal to allow us to have the perfect hodge podge of mismatched dishes.


First, it’s time to de-clutter! Yes troops, I said de-clutter! “Oh…I can just hear my kids moaning in agony as I write this. To them it means hours of clean up. If you have any littles in your home who are like my 6 year old who is showing signs of hoarding, this could be devastating! Someone please tell me how pieces of ripped up tissue paper in a ziplock bag can be called a “treasure”? Well one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Isn’t that what they say? Back to “just” the kitchen.

Let’s either throw out all the mismatched dishes or re-purpose them to our kids craft area (yeah I like that idea). I took the opportunity to buy an all new set during Black Friday on the Macy’s site and found these stylish Lucky Brand dishes. And a couple candle holders I couldn’t resist. 

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If that’s all you can do this time around, at least every time you sit down to eat, you will feel a sense of satisfaction. Not only for the food you’ll be sitting down to eat, but for the beautiful dishes you’ll see after your last bite. And if Christmas gift buying has set you back, like the rest of us, and you can’t do an entire set of dishes, then pick a few new jars, put your flour and sugar in them and display them stylishly on a new floating shelf! 


Whatever you choose, find a few simple things that will freshen up your space and give you a little boost!

With Love…XOXO S.T.Y.L.E Nation!


“I Love You So Matcha!”

